Bio-Helix Promotions - 10% discount & Fast Delivery!

Coomassie Nano, PluPad, IRIS, & Blu10 protein ladders and 100bp DNA ladder

Valid until 31st March 2025. Not summable with other discounts.

Take advantage of our exclusive 10% discount on in-stock Bio-Helix products, including the Coomassie Nano, PluPad, IRIS, Blu10 protein ladders and 100bp DNA ladder. Perfect for your research needs, these high-quality products are in-stock for quick delivery. Stock up now and save big!

BluPad - Revolutionize Your Gel Imaging!

Upgrade your lab experience with the Bio-Helix BluPad! Take advantage of our promotional offer –  Order now!

  • Innovative Design: Ultra-slim, lightweight, and portable.
  • Exceptional Illumination: Bright and uniform blue LED light ensures clear visualization of DNA, RNA, and protein gels.
  • Safe for Samples: Blue light technology minimizes damage to nucleic acids and proteins, preserving sample integrity.
  • Energy Efficient: Low power consumption and long-lasting LED lights for sustainable use.
  • Versatile Compatibility: Compatible with a wide range of gel staining dyes, including SYBR Green, GelGreen, and EtBr.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Offers superior contrast and sharp imaging for accurate results.

COOMASSIE Nano Protein Staining Solution - Best Price!

Discover Precision with Coomassie Nano! Achieve fast, accurate protein quantification with ease. In stock now — Order now!

Supplier Product Cat# Conc. Qty List Price CHF Listprice per 1 L (1x conc.)
Bio-Helix Coomassie Nano PS002-B500ML 1x 0.5 L 78 / 70.20 CHF (10% off) 156 / 140.40 CHF (10% off)
5x Coomassie Nano PS002-L05X 5x 1 L (5x conc.)  442 / 397.80 CHF (10% off) 88.40 / 79.55 CHF(10% off)
LubioScience QuickBlue Protein Stain LU001000 1x 1 L 160 CHF 160 CHF
Bio-Rad Bio-Safe™ 1610786 1x 1 L 192 CHF 192 CHF
Abcam InstantBlue® ab119211 1x 1 L 203 Euro 203 Euro
ThermoFisher PageBlue™ 24620 1x 1 L 193 CHF 193 CHF
SimplyBlue™ LC6060 1x 1 L 346 CHF 346 CHF
LC6065 1x 3.5 L 828 CHF 276 CHF
  • Ready-to-use protein staining solution for SDS-PAGE gels
  • Ultra-Fast protein detection (5 min.)
  • No risk of overstaining (e.g. overnight incubation)
  • High sensitivity down to 10ng
  • No destaining – No washing steps
  • Safe and environmentally friendly (no methanol, no acetic acid)
  • Compatible with mass spectrophotometer

1x conc. 500ml
5x conc. 1L (gives 5L of 1x conc.)

Protein Ladders and 100bp DNA Ladder

Blu10 Plus Prestained Protein Ladder (BLUltra)

6.5 to 270 kDa

Blu10 -BLUltra Ladder

10 pre-stained proteins with molecular weights from 6.5 to 270 kDa. The 10 recombinant proteins are covalently coupled with blue chromophore, while 2 orange bands at 30 kDa and 270 kDa and a green band at 52 kDa serve as reference bands.
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IRIS11 Prestained Protein Ladder

3 to 260 kDa

IRIS11 Ladder

11 pre-stained proteins from 3 to 260 kDa. The recombinant proteins are covalently coupled with blue chromophore, while 2 red bands at 70 kDa and 260 kDa, a green band at 15 kDa and a newly designed peacock green band at 60 kDa serve as reference bands. Read more

BH 100bp DNA Ladder RTU

100-1,500 bps


11 fragments for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA includes fragments ranging from 100-1,500 base pairs. The 500 and 1,500 base pair bands have increased intensity. The approximate mass of DNA in each band is provided (0.5 μg a load).
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