Bio-Helix: Protein Detection Products

Bio-Helix offers a range of high quality protein characterisation tools including Protein Ladders for SDS-PAGE, electrophoresis stains such as Coomassie blue or Ponceau S as well as ECL Luminescence Substrates for protein detection in Western Blots.

Featured Products

COOMASSIE Nano Protein Staining Solution

Coomassie Nano Bottle

Protein Ladders / Markers

Blu10 -BLUltra Ladder

OneStep Blocker - Western Blocking & Enhancer

OneStep Blocker

UltraScence Western Substrates, ECL

ECL Chemiluminescence Kit

COOMASSIE Nano Protein Staining Solution

  • Ready-to-use protein staining solution for SDS-PAGE gels
  • Ultra-Fast protein detection (5 min.)
  • No risk of overstaining (e.g. overnight incubation)
  • High sensitivity down to 10ng
  • No need for destaining
  • No washing steps
  • Safe and environmentally friendly (no methanol, no acetic acid)
  • Compatible with mass spectrophotometry

1x conc. 500ml
5x conc. 1L (gives 5L of 1x conc.)
  – no loss of performance upon dilution
  – more convenient, cheaper and environmental friendlier shipping

Coomassie Nano Bottle

Coomassie Staining - Price Comparison

Supplier Product Cat# Conc. Qty List Price CHF Listprice per 1 L (1x conc.)
Bio-Helix Coomassie Nano PS002-B500ML 1x 0.5 L 78 CHF 156 CHF
5x Coomassie Nano PS002-L05X 5x 1 L (5x conc.) 442 CHF 88.40 CHF
LubioScience QuickBlue Protein Stain LU001000 1x 1 L 160 CHF 160 CHF
Bio-Rad Bio-Safe™ 1610786 1x 1 L 192 CHF 192 CHF
Abcam InstantBlue® ab119211 1x 1 L 203 Euro 203 Euro
ThermoFisher PageBlue™ 24620 1x 1 L 193 CHF 193 CHF
SimplyBlue™ LC6060 1x 1 L 346 CHF 346 CHF
LC6065 1x 3.5 L 828 CHF 276 CHF

COOMASSIE Nano Protocol Tips

It is important NOT to wash the gel!

Protocol Tips for Ultra Fast Staining

Tip-Card Ultra-Fast Staining

Protocol Tips for Superior Visibility Staining

Tip-Card Superior Visibility Staining

COOMASSIE Nano - Fast Staining and High Sensitivity

Fast staining within 5 Min.

COOMASSIE-Nano Time-Saving

COOMASSIE Nano Protein Staining Solution visualizes protein bands already within the first 5 minutes of staining. No overstaining occurs after overnight incubation.

High Sensitivity

High Sensitivity Coomassie staining

COOMASSIE Nano Protein Staining Solution detects proteins with high sensitivity down to 10 ng (Lane H).

Benchmark: COOMASSIE Nano performs equivalent or better compared to other brands

Equivalent or even superior performance

Coomassie Nano Competitor Comparison

COOMASSIE Nano Protein Staining Solution presents the equivalent or even superior performance on fast signals and clear background compared with other brands.

Lightly agitate the staining box for 5 to 30 minutes at room temperature.

Protein Ladders

Bio-Helix provides a comprehensive portfolio of high-quality protein ladders for SDS-PAGE and/or Western Blots.

Loading Quantity Suggestions

  • 3 μl on 15-well  mini-gels
  • 5 μl on 10-well mini-gel
  • 2.5 μl for general Western transferring

Stability / Storage

  • Stable for up to 2 weeks at 25°C.
  • Stable for up to 3 months at 4°C.
  • Stable for up to 24 months at -20°C.
Protein Ladder with bands down to 3kDa

Blu10 Plus Prestained Protein Ladder (BLUltra)

6.5 to 270 kDa

Blu10 -BLUltra Ladder
10 pre-stained proteins with molecular weights from 6.5 to 270 kDa. The 10 recombinant proteins are covalently coupled with blue chromophore, while 2 orange bands at 30 kDa and 270 kDa and a green band at 52 kDa serve as reference bands. Read more

IRIS11 Prestained Protein Ladder

3 to 260 kDa

IRIS11 Ladder

11 pre-stained proteins from 3 to 260 kDa. The recombinant proteins are covalently coupled with blue chromophore, while 2 red bands at 70 kDa and 260 kDa, a green band at 15 kDa and a newly designed peacock green band at 60 kDa serve as reference bands. Read more

UNveil Unstained Protein Ladder

10 to 200 kDa

UnVeil Ladder

12 unstained recombinant proteins from 10 to 200 kDa. The proteins resolve into clearly identifiable bands when separated on the SDS-PAGE gel (MES buffer), with the intensified 25kDa and 85kDa protein bands serving as the two reference bands. Read more

OneStep Blocker - Western Blocking Solution and Signal Enhancer

The OneStep Blocker serves as both blocker and enhancer in Western analysis. With the 3-in-1 step procedure, OneStep Blocker is a time and labor economic solution for the time consuming and laborious Western procedure.

  • Perform 3 steps in 1: Membrane blocking + 1o Ab incubation + hybridization with 2o Ab 
  • Enhance antibody signal 2- to 5-fold if developed with HRP or AP substrates (= increased sensitivity)

Read more

A novel way to perform Western Blot

Mix OneStep Blocker, 1°Ab and 2° Ab with membrane together, that's all.

One-Step Blocking Solution
OneStep Blocker Workflow
  • Block + incubate/hybridize antibodies in 1 step
  • Save at least 2 hours 
  • Less hands-on steps
  • Enhance antibody signal (2-5x increase)
  • Reduce overall background
  • Minimize non-specific signals 
  • Compatible with PVDF & NC membrane
  • Effective with any ECL
OneStep Blocker
OneStep Blocker Comparison

UltraScence Western Substrates, ECL

Bio-Helix UltraScence Pico and Femto Western Substrates are luminol-based enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) substrates with long signal duration and offer the perfect choice for performing immunoblotting with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated secondary antibodies. Read more

  • No protocol change when switching from other brands to UltraScence
  • 2-year storage at room temperature without affecting performance
  • Different sensitivities, optimized for different protein amounts available
  • Enhanced chemiluminescence signal duration
  • Optimized for use with PVDF and Nitrocellulose membranes.
  • Compatible with Western Blotting Markers.
  • Optimized for film and CCD-based imaging

UltraScence Pico Plus Western Substrate

low picogram or high femtogram detection

UltraScence Pico Ultra Western Substrate

low picogram or mid femtogram detection

UltraScence Femto Western Substrate

mid femtogram to low femtogram detection

UltraScence Femto Plus Western Substrate

low femtogram detection (mid-atto) 

ECL Chemiluminescence Kit
ECL Workflow
ECL Fingerprint from nano to pico to femto

Ultrascence Pico Plus compared to other brands

UltraScence PicoPlus Data1

UltraScence Pico Plus Western Substrate enables an accurate low picogram to high femtogram detection. 

Serial dilutions of EGFP were applied in electrophoresis. After protein transfer, membranes were probed with GFP tag Rabbit PolyAb  followed by Goat Anti-rabbit IgG/HRP secondary antibody. Blots were incubated with UltraScence Pico Plus Western substrate. The blots were and were simultaneously exposed for 5, 10, 30, 60 and 180 seconds.

Ultrascence Femto and Femto Plus compared to other brands

UltraScence (Bio-Helix) Comparison with Competitors

UltraScence Femto Plus Western Substrate enables an accurate low picogram to high femtogram detection. 

Serial dilutions of EGFP were applied in electrophoresis. After protein transfer, membranes were probed with GFP tag Rabbit PolyAb followed by Goat Anti-rabbit IgG/HRP secondary antibody. Blots were incubated with 400 μL of UltraScence Femto Plus Western substrate (CCH375) and were simultaneously exposed for 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 180 seconds.