Electron Microscopy Sciences | EMS
All you need for Microscopy and Histology and General Laboratory Research
The Most Comprehensive Source for all Fields of Microscopy, Histology and General Laboratory Research!
Among others, EMS provides high quality Fixatives, Embedding Media, Mounting Media, Dyes and Stains, Uranyless, Dissection Tools, Tweezers, Cryo-Sectioning tools, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) supplies, Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) lab supplies including Grids and Support Films such as Quantifoil®, Graphene & Graphene Oxide and C-flat™.
Featured TEM Grids and Supports
C-flat™ - the premier holey carbon grid for cryo-TEM
C-flat™ provides an ultra-flat surface holey carbon-coated TEM support grid that results in better particle dispersion and more uniform ice thickness. C-flat™ ensures the most accurate and consistent hole shapes and sizes down to submicron features. Artifacts such as excess carbon and edges around holes are eliminated. Unlike competing holey carbon films, C-flat™ is manufactured without plastics.
C-flat™ holey carbon grids provide the ideal specimen support to achieve high resolution data in cryo-TEM making them an ideal choice for single particle analysis, cryo electron tomography and automated TEM analysis. Read more

Quantifoil® - Holey Carbon Films
QUANTIFOIL is a perforated support foil with pre-defined hole size, shape and arrangement. It has advantages in electron microscopy (EM) or low-energy electron point source (LEEPS) microscopy when compared with conventional holey film.
QUANTIFOIL is offered with circular and square, orthogonal arranged holes. Films with different hole sizes and bar widths are available. It is generally delivered as a carbon foil; it can be reinforced with plastic film. QUANTIFOIL is a superior quality of holey carbon film, which facilitates the use of automation in TEM. Read more

Featured Chemicals
Dyes & Stains
EMS offers complete line of prepared, ready-to-use, high quality staining solutions for all standard staining procedures used by the Biological Staining Commission and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
- Premixed ready-to-use; saves you time and effort
- Consistently uniform results are obtained
From Acid Fuchsin, Aniline Blue, Biebrich Scarlet, Cresyl Fast Violet, Eosin Y, Giemsa Solution, Hematoxilin, Orange G, Toluidine Blue, Wright Stain, Weigert’s Hematoxylin SOlution and many more… Browse here

Citifluor™ – Anti-fading Mounting Solutions
Antifadent Solutions reduce the photo-bleaching, or fading of the fluorescence of dyes used for labeling biological species.
The most frequently used solution is AF1 which is an anti-fadent (anti-bleaching agent) contained in a glycerol PBS (phosphate-buffered saline) solution and is particularly useful for examining tissue sections. AF2 solution contains the antifadent in glycerol which enables users to choose their own buffer, and AF3 is the antifadent in PBS solution. AF3 is particularly useful for examining live cells. Read more
All solutions may be stored at room temperature.

UranyLess - Substitute for Uranyl Acetate
A new contrast stain solution for TEM, for all of your negative staining applications. It is an amazing substitute for Uranyl Acetate with similar results. After only a minute of contact, UranyLess‘ fast-acting, non-radioactive lanthanide mix is finished staining your sections or deposits. UranyLess has been tested on many biological tissue (animal and plant): intestine, skeletal and cardiac muscle, liver, kidney, adrenal gland, nerve, cell culture, plant tissue, and also on negative staining of bacteriophage, bacteria, and polymers. Read more