Zymo Research - Solutions for Epigenetics Research

Industry-leaders in Epigenetics since 20 years

Boasting over twenty years of leadership in the field of epigenetics, Zymo Research sets the benchmark for excellence through industry-leading products, providing top-tier technology and services for cancer research, aging, neuroscience, and therapeutic exploration.

Epigenetics is regulated by DNA methylation, DNA hydroxymethylation, and non-coding RNAs. To study these modifications, Zymo Research has a variety of epigenetic research products designed to simplify workflows and provide reliable results. This suite of epigenetic research products is of the highest quality and most cited technologies.

Product Range

DNA Methylation Library Prep Kits - Methods Based on NGS

The gold-standard reaction for DNA methylation analysis is called bisulfite conversion. Bisulfite reagents convert unmethylated cytosine residues to uracils while leaving the methylated ones untouched. NGS-based methods are the most comprehensive and have emerged as the primary means of DNA methylation analysis recently. NGS-based methods produce results with high coverages across an entire genome and are compatible with any species. The different NGS methods share common steps in the procedure of library preparation such as bisulfite conversion, adapter ligation and PCR amplification, but differ slightly at the beginning of the workflows preparing the input DNA materials. Read more

Zymo-Seq RRBS Library Kit

From as Little as 10ng of DNA

Zymo-Seq RRBS Library Kit is an all-in-one Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) library prep kit that generates NGS libraries with a simplified workflow. The kit allows for DNA methylation profiling at single-nucleotide resolution in CpG-rich regions of the genome.

  • Only 2 hours hands-on time for RRBS library preparation
  • Produces NGS libraries from ≥ 10 ng of genomic DNA.
  • Ideal for high throughput DNA methylation screening
  • Largely reduces the sequencing cost
  • Needs only ~ 10% of sequencing reads compared to WGBS
  • Covers ≥70% of promoters, CpG islands, gene bodies and ~ 35% of enhancers

Simple workflow

RRBS Workflow

Zymo-Seq RRBS Measures Accurate Methylation Ratios

RRBS Methylation Ratio

Zymo-Seq RRBS Delivers Reproducible Results Regardless of Input Amount

RRBS Reproducibility

Zymo-Seq WGBS Library Kit

Bisulfite Library Preparation in One Tube

The Zymo-Seq WGBS Library Kit addresses the escalating requirements for sample throughput and minimizes sample loss. It stands as the sole kit designed for whole-genome bisulfite (WGBS) library preparation within a single tube. The Zymo-Seq WGBS Library Kit integrates tagmentation technology to eliminate the laborious fragmentation, enzymatic, and clean-up steps inherent in traditional ligation-based library preparation methods. 

  • Minimizes hands-on time: From genomic DNA to ready-to-sequence library in 4 hours.
  • Consistent genome coverage: Unbiased, single-base methylation profiling of cytosines throughout the entire genome.

Streamlined Workflow

WGBS Workflow

Consistent Library Preparation to Maximize Sequencing Data

WGBS Consistency

CpGs Coverage

WGBS CpGs coverage

Zymo-Seq ATAC Library Kit

Simple, Fast, All-in-One ATAC-Seq Solution

Zymo-Seq ATAC Library Kit provides a simple and streamlined workflow for Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin with high throughput Sequencing (ATAC-Seq) library preparation from mammalian cell and tissue input. This all-inclusive kit features an easy to follow protocol capable of preparing ATAC-Seq libraries from as little as 50,000 cells in as little as 4 hours with minimal hands on time.

  • Ready to Use: Preassembled buffers allows for lightning-fast library preparation in as little as 4 hours without compromising quality.
  • Improved Performance: Prepare libraries with 7x less mitochondrial contamination, saving reads and increasing sequencing depth.
  • Outstanding Consistency: Produce highly correlated replicates from both fresh and frozen samples.

Best Quality Measures

ATAC Best Quality Measures

Unparalleled Replicate Correlation

ATAC Replication Correlation

Highest Quality Libraries

Pico Methyl-Seq Library Prep Kit

Easy WGBS Library Preparation from Low Inputs

The Pico Methyl-Seq Library Prep Kit provides a streamlined workflow for making WGBS libraries. Input DNA is randomly fragmented during the initial bisulfite treatment step followed by three rounds of amplification with uniquely designed primers. The procedure can accommodate as little as 10 pg input DNA (including that derived from FFPE samples), making it ideal for methylation analysis of precious, limited, and target-enriched samples.

  • All-inclusive: Complete solution for bisulfite conversion followed by Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS) library preparation.
  • Low input: Accommodates ultra-low DNA input (down to 10 pg) and is compatible with FFPE samples.
  • Simple: Ligation- and gel-free workflow can be completed in a few hours.

High Quality Library Preparation

Pico High Quality

Zymo-Seq SPLAT DNA Library Kit

Maximize Precision and Flexibility in DNA sequencing

By applying the unique, single-stranded library preparation approach of Splinted Ligation Adapter Tagging (SPLAT), DNA libraries can be prepared from genomic DNA, cell-free DNA, and even FFPE-derived DNA with ease. Additionally, the SPLAT technology allows for direct ligation of adapters onto the native ends of each DNA fragment, simultaneously eliminating the need for end-repair and ensuring preservation of all original nucleotides. This feature allows for accurate and high-fidelity analysis of fragmentation patterns, setting a new standard for fragmentomics analysis. Read more

Single-Stranded Library Preparation

RRHP 5-hmC Library Prep Kit

Innovative library preparation for strand-specific mapping of 5-hmC in DNA

The RRHP 5-hmC Library Prep Kit is an all-inclusive solution for analysis of genome-wide 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) positions at single-base resolution. The Reduced Representation Hydroxymethylation Profiling (RRHP) method is based on blocking MspI digestion by glucosylating 5-hmC within MspI recognition sites. Fragments lacking glucosylated 5-hmC at the adapter-ligation junction will be cleaved and not amplified by PCR. Therefore, only fragments containing 5-hmC will be successfully amplified and analyzed by Next-Generation Sequencing. Read more


Controls / Standards for DNA Methylation Assays

Industry-leading DNA methylation standards for seamless quantificaction. Assess your DNA methylation workflow today!

DNA methylation standards can be used for optimizing a variety of methylation assays or can serve as positive and negative controls to validate established workflows. Standards are also ideal substitutes for precious DNA or problematic sample types when troubleshooting or testing experimental conditions. DNA methylation standards have utility in various applications including bisulfite sequencing using NGS technologies, methylation-specific PCR (MSP), and methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme (MSRE) assays. Integrating established controls is also key for clinical workflows and during all assay calibrations.

Choose from a range of DNA standards that can be used for optimization or quality control of various methylation assays. Learn more about how to use DNA Methylation Standards here.

Unbenanntes Dokument
Catalog No. Product 0% and 100% Methylation Controls Bisulfite PCR Methylation-Specific PCR NGS Library Optimization In Situ Control Methylation Assay Calibration Order
D5011 Universal Methylated Human DNA Standard

D5012 Universal Methylated Mouse DNA Standard


D5013 Human Methylated & Non-Methylated (WGA) DNA Set

D5014 Human Methylated & Non-methylated DNA set
X Order
D5015 Bisulfite-Converted Universal Methylated Human DNA Standard


D5016 E. Coli Non-Methylated Genomic DNA

X X X Order
D5017 Methylated & Non-methylated pUC19 DNA Set

X X Order
D5018 Human Matched DNA Set

X Order
D5019 Mouse 5-hmC & 5-mC DNA Set

X Order
D5405 5-Methylcytosine & 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine DNA Standard Set 

D5500 Zymo-Seq Methyl Spike-in Control

X X X Order

DNA Methylation / RNA Methylation - Bisulfite Conversion Kits

Bisulfite conversion, which converts unmethylated cytosines to uracils while leaving methylated ones unchanged, is known as the “gold standard” for determining DNA methylation status. 

Zymo Research’s products for investigating DNA methylation are the most cited and trusted in the industry. All Zymo Research bisulfite conversion kits are available in spin-column, 96-well, and MagBead formats. These innovative bisulfite conversion kits feature streamlined workflows, ≥ 99% conversion rates, automation friendly options, and low elution volumes for concentrated, bisulfite-converted DNA. All MagBead kits are automation ready! 

EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning Kits

Reliable Bisulfite Conversion for Next-Gen Sequencing
High-Performance Bisulfite Conversion of Fragmented DNA

High Conversion Efficiency

Lightning High Conversion

Compatible with Low DNA Inputs

Lightning Low Input

Recovery of Small Fragments

Lightning Small Fragment

EZ DNA Methylation-Direct Kits

Bisulfite Conversion Directly from Cells and Tissue

  • No Purification Necessary: Complete bisulfite conversion of DNA directly from blood, soft tissue, cells, FFPE, and LCM samples
  • Low Input: As few as 10 cells or 50 pg of DNA
  • High Quality DNA: Converted DNA is ready for PCR, Next-Gen Sequencing, and MSP

EZ DNA Methylation-Gold Kits

Complete bisulfite conversion of GC-rich DNA in less than 3 hours

  • Consolidated Workflow: DNA denaturation and bisulfite conversion process in one step.
  • High Yield: DElution of bisulfite-converted DNA in as little as 10 µl.
  • Suitable for Various Downstream Applications: Endonuclease digestion, sequencing, microarrays, etc.

EZ DNA Methylation Kits

Simplified procedure that streamlines bisulfite treatment of DNA

  • Reduces template degradation, minimizing DNA loss during treatment and cleanup
  • Purified, converted DNA is ideal for downstream analyses including endonuclease digestion, sequencing, microarrays, etc.

EZ DNA Methylation-Startup Kit

This all-in-one kit includes: one EZ DNA Methylation-Direct kit, one fully methylated Universal Methylated Human DNA Standard, and ZymoTaq DNA Polymerase.

EZ RNA Methylation Kit

All necessary tools for complete bisulfite conversion of DNA

  • Specifically optimized for complete conversion of non-methylated cytosines in RNA
  • Ideal for all RNA inputs
  • Complete conversion of RNA in as little as 1 hour

DNA Methylation - Non-Bisulfite Methods

Methylated-DNA IP Kit

Immunoprecipitation & enrichment of methylated DNA

  • Kit for robust enrichment & immunoprecipitation of DNA containing 5mC in only a few hours.
  • Recovered DNA is suitable for microarray, PCR, bisulfite treatment, etc.


Rapid Global 5-mC Quantification

  • For high-throughput detection of global 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) in DNA
  • The streamlined workflow can be completed in less than 3 hours

Anti-5-Methylcytosine Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 7D21)

Anti-5mC antibody

  • Anti-5mC antibody for immunoprecipitation of methylated DNA, ELISA, immunoblotting, immunofluorescence
  • Specifically binds to 5-methylcytosine in ssDNA context.
  • No detectable cross-reactivity with non-methylated cytosine.

Quest 5-hmC™ DNA ELISA Kit

High-Throughput 5-hmC Global Quantification

  • Sensitive and specific detection of 5-hydroxymethlycytosine (5-hmC) from a variety of samples
  • Ideal for global 5-hmC quantitation and high throughput screening
  • Streamlined workflow can be completed in 3 hrs

Chromatin Analysis

ChIP kits and ChIP clean up kits with easy, streamlined procedures for chromatin analysis

Zymo-Spin ChIP Kit

Robust Chromatin Immunoprecipitation

  • Streamlined ChIP procedure for investigating protein-DNA interactions that have been “fixed” in their natural state
  • Can be used to effectively identify binding sites for transcription factors, co-factors, and other DNA regulatory proteins.

EZ Nucleosomal DNA Prep Kit

Isolation of nucleosome-associated DNA

  • For the isolation of nucleosome-associated DNA from mammalian and yeast cells
  • Ideal for use in nucleosome mapping studies.

ChIP DNA Clean & Concentrator

Fast ChIP DNA Clean-up

  • Two minute DNA clean-up from any step in a standard ChIP protocol
  • Ultra-pure, concentrated ChIP DNA can be eluted in as little as 6 μl.
  • DNA is ideal for PCR, arrays, DNA quantification, Southern blot analysis, sequencing, and other molecular applications.

ZR-96 ChIP DNA Clean & Concentrator

Fast, high-throughput ChIP DNA Clean-up

  • Rapid high-throughput (96-well) recovery of ultra-pure DNA from chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), cell lysates, Proteinase K-digested samples, PCR, and other enzymatic reactions
  • Plate design permits DNA elution at high concentrations into minimal elution volumes (> 10 µl/well).